Directions and distance from Uitenhage EC to Lusaka suburb of Umlazi NL (2024)


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  • Uitenhage EC-Lusaka suburb of Umlazi NL

Distance and directions
Uitenhage EC Lusaka suburb of Umlazi NL

Route from Uitenhage EC to Lusaka suburb of Umlazi NL. The map shows the fastest and shortest way to travel by car, bus or bike. The main route is red, while the alternative route is in blue. Both with directions, distance calculation and estimated travel time, all described in the route planner. To find out about fuel costs, use the form for calculating the cost of the Uitenhage EC-Lusaka suburb of Umlazi NL trip.

NewReverse route

Map and directions

Hotel Uitenhage EC

The online reservation can be made without a credit card.

Hotel Lusaka suburb of Umlazi NL

Departure (Uitenhage EC)

In where is Uitenhage EC you can find out more about Uitenhage Nelson Mandela Bay, Eastern Cape South Africa, distances from neighboring towns and major cities (in kilometers and miles).


    Hotel Uitenhage EC

    Arrival (Lusaka suburb of Umlazi NL)

    In where is Lusaka suburb of Umlazi NL you can find out more about Lusaka suburb of Umlazi eThekwini, KwaZulu-Natal South Africa, distances from neighboring towns and major cities (in kilometers and miles).


      Hotel Lusaka suburb of Umlazi NL

      How to get to Lusaka suburb of Umlazi NL from another location.

      Below is shown the road route step by step from Uitenhage Nelson Mandela Bay, Eastern Cape to Lusaka suburb of Umlazi eThekwini, KwaZulu-Natal accompanied by road signs. You can change the itinerary by dragging the route drawn on the map; You can change settings such as transport, units, tolls and highways.

      Driving directions from Uitenhage EC to Lusaka suburb of Umlazi NL

      Directions and distance from Uitenhage EC to Lusaka suburb of Umlazi NL (32) Find out how to travel in relaxation by public transport (trains and/or buses) from Uitenhage EC to Lusaka suburb of Umlazi NL, avoid getting stuck in traffic (check the equipment of the selected vehicle), check the timetables in real time for the journey by public transport on maps here: Uitenhage EC - Lusaka suburb of Umlazi NL

      To plan the trip from Uitenhage EC to Lusaka suburb of Umlazi NL by car, train, bus or bicycle is definitely useful the service by RoadOnMap with the information always up to date.. allows you to calculate the route by drawing the route on the map together with driving directions and distance.
      Some features:

      • Map: the map with the route suggested.
      • Step-by-step directions: driving directions from Uitenhage EC to Lusaka suburb of Umlazi NL.
      • Distance: the distance between Uitenhage EC and Lusaka suburb of Umlazi NL (both road distance and flight distance).
      • Costs: get the fuel cost by using the form for calculating the cost of the trip.
      • Traffic: latest traffic and road and highway traffic news, shown in "#traffic news".
      • Change route: to change the route Uitenhage EC - Lusaka suburb of Umlazi NL, simply move the icons or create intermediate places.
      • Units of measurement: the results are shown in kilometers and/or miles.
      • Hotel: in the route information you will find a link to select the hotels for Uitenhage Nelson Mandela Bay, Eastern Cape and Lusaka suburb of Umlazi eThekwini, KwaZulu-Natal.
      • Print: use the browser's print button to save the trip sheet with the map and driving directions of the route from Uitenhage EC to Lusaka suburb of Umlazi NL.

      To obtain the route Uitenhage EC - Lusaka suburb of Umlazi NL we use the features of "© Google Maps" and "© OpenStreetMap", while we use "© booking" to find the hotels.

      Routes from major cities in South Africa to reach Lusaka suburb of Umlazi NL

      • Durban-Lusaka suburb of Umlazi NL
      • Pietermaritzburg-Lusaka suburb of Umlazi NL
      • Johannesburg-Lusaka suburb of Umlazi NL
      • Kimberley-Lusaka suburb of Umlazi NL
      • Nelspruit-Lusaka suburb of Umlazi NL
      • Cape Town-Lusaka suburb of Umlazi NL
      • Pretoria-Lusaka suburb of Umlazi NL
      • Polokwane-Lusaka suburb of Umlazi NL
      • Bloemfontein-Lusaka suburb of Umlazi NL
      • Port Elizabeth-Lusaka suburb of Umlazi NL

      Routes from major cities in South Africa to reach Uitenhage EC

      • Durban-Uitenhage EC
      • Pietermaritzburg-Uitenhage EC
      • Johannesburg-Uitenhage EC
      • Kimberley-Uitenhage EC
      • Nelspruit-Uitenhage EC
      • Cape Town-Uitenhage EC
      • Pretoria-Uitenhage EC
      • Polokwane-Uitenhage EC
      • Bloemfontein-Uitenhage EC
      • Port Elizabeth-Uitenhage EC

      URL of the current page: "Uitenhage EC-Lusaka suburb of Umlazi NL"

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      The text of the current page is available under the license {cc by-sa/3.0}, for the maps refer to the license {}, attention! each image on the page has its own license.

      Directions and distance from Uitenhage EC to Lusaka suburb of Umlazi NL (2024)


      What is the population in Umlazi? ›

      Today, Umlazi (situated 17km southwest of Durban) has a population of about 400 000. Some estimates indicate a higher population figure – up to 1 million people. There are shack settlements surrounding Umlazi as well as backyard shacks in the township (Mahomed, 2002).

      How far is harare to jbg? ›

      Distance from Harare to Johannesburg

      The shortest distance (air line) between Harare and Johannesburg is 609.64 mi (981.12 km). The shortest route between Harare and Johannesburg is 695.08 mi (1,118.62 km) according to the route planner. The driving time is approx. 12h 19min.

      What does Umlaza mean in Zulu? ›

      According to legend, the name Umlazi comes from "umlaza", the Zulu word for the sour acid produced from fermented or sour milk. It is believed that when King Shaka was passing through the area, he refused to drink from a local river claiming it had the taste of "umlaza".

      Why do people move to Umlazi? ›

      With its diverse cultural scene, bustling markets, and strong sense of community, Umlazi offers a unique and authentic experience that reflects the essence of township life in South Africa. Umlazi was established in the 1960s as a designated settlement for black South Africans during the apartheid era.

      What country is Zimbabwe close to? ›

      Zimbabwe is a landlocked country in southern Africa, lying between latitudes 15° and 23°S, and longitudes 25° and 34°E. It is bordered by South Africa to the south, Botswana to the west and southwest, Zambia to the northwest, and Mozambique to the east and northeast.

      Why is Harare unlivable? ›

      The report said Harare's chronic water and power outages contributed to a mere 38 percent “livability rating” in the study. The Economist Intelligence Unit said the threat of civil unrest, poor health care services and sketchy, overcrowded public transport were also serious drawbacks to life in Harare.

      Is Harare a good place to live? ›

      Harare, known as Salisbury until shortly after Zimbabwean independence in 1980, is regularly ranked as one of the worst cities in the world by global livability polls and surveys.

      Is Umlazi large or small? ›

      Umlazi is a township in KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa, located south-west of Durban. It is the fourth largest township in South Africa, after Soweto, Tembisa and Katlehong.

      What are the social issues in Umlazi? ›

      Drugs, crime and teenage pregnancy plagues the community. Despite its challenges, Umlazi offers a life rooted in a strong sense of community.

      What is the land use in the Umlazi? ›

      The uMlazi River originates south west of Pietermaritzburg at 1 500m above sea level. In the upper uMlazi, the main land-use types are agriculture, forestry and small rural and peri-urban settlemements.

      What is interesting about Umlazi? ›

      The present site of Umlazi was occupied by American missionaries in 1836, but it became an Anglican mission reserve in 1856. Umlazi was officially opened to black residents in 1965 (most of whom formerly resided in Durban) and acquired town status in 1973.


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      Author: Edmund Hettinger DC

      Last Updated:

      Views: 6060

      Rating: 4.8 / 5 (58 voted)

      Reviews: 89% of readers found this page helpful

      Author information

      Name: Edmund Hettinger DC

      Birthday: 1994-08-17

      Address: 2033 Gerhold Pine, Port Jocelyn, VA 12101-5654

      Phone: +8524399971620

      Job: Central Manufacturing Supervisor

      Hobby: Jogging, Metalworking, Tai chi, Shopping, Puzzles, Rock climbing, Crocheting

      Introduction: My name is Edmund Hettinger DC, I am a adventurous, colorful, gifted, determined, precious, open, colorful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.