Garbage Disposal Leaking From Bottom? Take These Steps (2024)

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Are you searching for a solution to a garbage disposal leaking from bottom?

If so, you’re in the right place. Read on to learn all you need to know and when it’s the right time to call a pro.

If you’ve noticed your garbage disposal leaking from the bottom, you should act quickly. Dripping water under your sink will cause severe water damage in a short amount of time.

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What To Do If Garbage Disposal Is Leaking From the Bottom

Garbage Disposal Leaking From Bottom? Take These Steps (2)


Since time is of the essence, calling a plumber is the best course of action.If your plumber can’t make it out right away, read our guide to find out:

  • How to diagnose where the leak is coming from
  • How to try to fix the leak on your own
  • And when your best option is calling a professional instead

It may look like your garbage disposal is leaking from the bottom, but remember that water flows downward. The leak might be originating from the top or side of the garbage disposal instead.

There are limited problems that could be the reason behind your garbage disposal leaking from the bottom. The good news is that it’s pretty easy to pinpoint the problem.

The bad news is that if the disposal really is leaking from the bottom, you may need to replace it. It could be something as simple as retightening connections or using plumber’s putty to reseal parts.

Let’s start with diagnosing the reasons that can cause garbage disposal leaking from the bottom.

Diagnose the Garbage Disposal Leak

Garbage Disposal Leaking From Bottom? Take These Steps (3)


Before you begin diagnosing the garbage disposal leak, make sure you do two things.First, and most importantly,turn off the garbage disposal and unplug it before doing any diagnostics.

As an electrical device near water, you can receive a nasty shock if it’s on while you examine and touch it.Second, go ahead and place a small wastebasket or bucket under the leak to catch the dripping water.

Find the Leak

Garbage Disposal Leaking From Bottom? Take These Steps (4)


To pinpoint where the leak is coming from, grab a flashlight and dry the disposal off with a paper towel. Shine the light all around the garbage disposal to see if you determine where water first starts leaking out.

If it’s impossible to tell, or if it seems that water may be leaking from multiple spots, try the following technique with food coloring.

  1. Turn off and unplug the garbage disposal unit.
  2. Ensure a wastebasket or bucket is under the disposal to catch any water.
  3. Turn on the water in the sink, plug it, and fill until it’s nearly half full.
  4. Add several drops of bright food coloring to the water in the sink.
  5. Watch under the sink with your flashlight to see where the leaks are appearing.

You may or may not be able to pinpoint where the leak is coming from with these two methods, but if you can narrow it down, you can save some time.

  • If the water is actually leaking from the top and flowing down to the bottom, check the sectionSink Flange Seal.
  • If it looks like the water is actually leaking from the side of the disposal and flowing down to the bottom, check the section titledGarbage Disposal Drain Lines.
  • If it still appears it’s leaking from the bottom as you suspected, read the sectionGarbage Disposal Internal Seal.
  • If it looks like the water is leaking from the body of the garbage disposal itself, read the section Cracks on Garbage Disposal.

We’ve tried to make the most complete guide on the web, and if we can’t solve the problem here, it’s best to call a plumber. Do so with the form below!

Garbage Disposal Internal Seal

Garbage Disposal Leaking From Bottom? Take These Steps (5)


Leak Origin:Starts from the bottom of your garbage disposal

If you see the leak is originating from the bottom of your garbage disposal, the most likely culprit is the garbage disposal itself. Garbage disposals don’t last forever.

In fact, most last anywhere from 10 to 15 years under normal conditions. Inside your garbage disposal, several internal seals experience wear and tear over the years.

When one or more of those seals is worn out, you will see the telltale leak from the bottom of the garbage disposal. It won’t get better, and it can’t be fixed with plumber’s putty.

The Fix:If your garbage disposal’s internal seal is worn to the point of causing a leak, you have two options.

The first option is purchasing a replacement garbage disposal. Expect to pay $250 to $400 for a new disposal and to have it professionally installed.

The second option is calling the manufacturer if your garbage disposal is still under warranty. Your warranty period will vary by the manufacturer. You may be able to see a small tag on your disposal with the serial number.

Contacting the manufacturer can help you decode the serial number to determine the date of manufacture and how much time is left on the warranty, if any.

Sink Flange Seal

Garbage Disposal Leaking From Bottom? Take These Steps (6)

Snap Happy/Shutterstock

Leak Origin:The leak appears to come from the top and drip down to the bottom

Your garbage disposal is installed in your sink and connected with a sink flange and plumber’s putty. Plumber’s putty that seals the sink flange to the garbage disposal wears or corrodes over the years.

As a result, water makes its way through and results in a leak. The flange can also be shifted out of place by being bumped (especially if you’ve been doing other plumbing work under the sink).

This kind of leak will look like it’s dripping from the bottom, but it’s actually starting at the top of the garbage disposal where the flange connects to it.

The Fix:If the sink flange seal has gone bad, you may be able to stop the leak by getting some plumber’s putty ($2 to $4) from your local hardware store, depending on the way your sink flange is installed (screws or putty).

If it’s installed with putty, the garbage disposal will need to be removed, the old plumber’s putty cleaned off, and the sink flange resealed with fresh plumber’s putty.

This is a moderately tricky job that requires removing drain hoses, pulling the entire disposal unit out, ensuring the seal is flat, and reconnecting everything once complete.

If your sink flange is attached with screws, you’ll need to call a plumber to take it out and replace it.

Garbage Disposal Drain Lines

Garbage Disposal Leaking From Bottom? Take These Steps (7)

Minerva Studio/Shutterstock

Leak Origin: The leak appears first from the side, but drips down to the bottom of the garbage disposal

If you have a dishwasher, its drain lines connect to your garbage disposal side under the sink. There will be two drain lines connected to your garbage disposal.

The small drain line is the dishwasher drain line. The dirty water from your dishwasher travels through this pipe to drain into the disposal.

The larger drain line is what connects your garbage disposal to your sewer. When you grind waste in the disposal, it (along with any water from the sink) is carried into the sewer through this drain line.

Where these two drain lines connect could be the culprit behind your leak. If you can see that the leak seems to originate from the sides of your garbage disposal, then drip down to the bottom, this is the likely issue.

The Fix: It’s possible that the dishwasher drain line (the smaller one) isn’t clamped tightly enough to the garbage disposal, resulting in a leak.

If that’s the case, you should be able to tighten the hose clamp around the smaller drain line with a screwdriver. Dry the area with a paper towel and watch to see if there is any further leakage.

The main drain line (the larger one) could also be the problem. It should be connected with screws. A rubber gasket is inside it. If the screws are loose, you can tighten them to stop the leak.

If tightening the screws doesn’t stop the leak, the rubber gasket is probably worn. It will need to be replaced.

Cracks on Garbage Disposal

Garbage Disposal Leaking From Bottom? Take These Steps (8)

Olivier Le Queinec/Shutterstock

Leak Origin:From tiny or visible cracks on the disposal that may flow down and appear to come from the bottom

Another possible reason for a garbage disposal leaking from the bottom is that they body could be cracked. Use a flashlight to examine your garbage disposal closely.

Dry it off with a paper towel and watch for drops of water or wet spots to show on the garbage disposal body. If you find any cracks or wet spots that form directly on the body, there is only one option.

The Fix:Cracks in your garbage disposal mean it will likely need to be replaced. Garbage disposals last anywhere from 10 to 15 years and can sustain damage during that time from jostling from retrieving objects stored under the sink.

When to Call a Professional

Garbage Disposal Leaking From Bottom? Take These Steps (9)

LightField Studios/Shutterstock

As homeowners, we love to tackle jobs that we feel confident about doing. There’s no better feeling than tightening a connection and single-handedly stopping a leak!

However, when it comes to plumbing jobs, there’s a limit to what projects are suitable for DIY. Inexperienced handling of plumbing pipes and parts can cause more damage than the original leak.

In many cases, you’ll need to call a professional for a plumbing job. Leaky garbage disposals usually require a plumber’s expertise. Here are the scenarios that call for a professional to do the job.

Worn Internal Seals

If the leak is coming from the bottom due to a worn internal seal, your garbage disposal needs to be replaced entirely. It’s a pretty complicated job involving several plumbing connections.

And most DIYers won’t want to mess with them. Call a plumber to replace a garbage disposal if it’s leaking from the bottom, and you’ve had it for five years or more.

Garbage Disposal Leaking From Bottom? Take These Steps (10)

Worn Flange Seals

If the leak is coming from a worn sink flange seal, you need to remove drain hoses and the entire garbage disposal unit. You’d have to apply the seal carefully to ensure it’s flat and allows the sink flange to fit flush with your sink.

Then, you’d have to reconnect everything correctly to ensure it didn’t create a larger leak. It’s best to call a plumber if the leak is coming from your sink flange seal.

Worn Rubber Gasket

If the leak is due to a worn rubber gasket in your garbage disposal’s main drain line, you’ll need to call a plumber. They will be able to determine the properly sized gasket to install and ensure the drain line doesn’t continue leaking.

If the leak is due to cracks in the garbage disposal body, it will need to be replaced entirely. This job requires a professional plumber’s knowledge and skill, who can ensure everything is correctly installed and leak-free.

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Still Have a “Garbage Disposal Leaking From Bottom?”

If you still have a garbage disposal leaking from the bottom, it’s best to call a plumber. You can try to fix it yourself, but water damage is expensive to fix.

Unless you’re a skilled handyman, it’s best to leave this to the pros. Fortunately for you, our we make it easy to connect with a pro. Simply click the link above to use the Networx system to find a local trusted and vetted plumber.


Garbage Disposal Leaking From Bottom? Take These Steps (2024)


How to stop garbage disposal from leaking from the bottom? ›

Leaking From The Bottom

If the source of the leak is coming from the bottom of your garbage disposal, it can be because of internal seals that have worn out over time. While you can have a professional come out and fix the internal seals, it would be best to just buy a new garbage disposal unit.

How do you seal the bottom of a garbage disposal? ›

Most garbage disposals are sealed using plumber's putty. You'll need to detach the garbage disposal, clean off the old putty, and reseal. Other types of disposals use only a flange that is tightened and compressed with screws.

How to fix leak from reset button on garbage disposal? ›

If you're still having issues, try replacing the screws or gasket. You could also use a pipe clamp and tighten with a screwdriver. The reset button: Unfortunately, if your garbage disposal leaks from the bottom, then it's probably simply time to remove the garbage disposal and replace it.

Where do garbage disposals usually leak? ›

If you notice pooling water under the sink, a foul smell, or dampness, your garbage disposal might be to blame. Typically, a leak will come from one of four sources: the dishwasher connection, sink flange, drain line, or reset button.

Should I repair or replace a leaking garbage disposal? ›

9 Tips on Fixing a Leaking Garbage Disposal
  1. Check for Clogs. If you have a leak, the first thing you should do is check for clogs. ...
  2. Check for Cracks or Damage. ...
  3. Remove The Dishwasher Drain Hose. ...
  4. Inspect the P-trap. ...
  5. Tighten the Mounting Bolts. ...
  6. Inspect the Sink Flange. ...
  7. Replace the Rubber Gasket. ...
  8. Replace the Entire Unit.
May 11, 2022

Can you run the dishwasher if the garbage disposal is leaking? ›

If, for example, your disposal is broken, as in an electrical or mechanical problem, you can still run the dishwasher. It's the garbage disposal drain system that can keep the dishwasher from draining properly.

Can you use Flex Seal on garbage disposal? ›

A: You cannot apply to a wet area, MUST BE DRY BEFORE YOU APPLY! If you apply enough of the flex seal the garbage disposal should stop leaking, but if it leaks alot it's also possible the water will make the sealant peel off. Thank you for your feedback! We failed to record your vote.

Can a garbage disposal seal be replaced? ›

That flappy rubber gasket around your garbage disposal drain can last for years if you clean it regularly and only use your disposal sparingly. But when it becomes cracked or brittle, there's no excuse not to go ahead and replace it.

Can you use silicone to seal a garbage disposal? ›

The garbage disposal flange is a ring, usually made from metal, that allows water to drain into your pipes. It's typically connected to the sink with plumber's putty, a type of water-resistant silicone.

Why is my garbage disposal spitting water back up? ›

The drain fittings can loosen and cause leaking beneath the sink. Or, the drain connecting the garbage disposal to the rest of the sink's drain trap assembly can become clogged and cause water to back up into the sink basin where the disposer is installed.

How do I stop my garbage disposal from leaking from the bottom? ›

Seals located inside the garbage disposal wear out over time. If you notice your garbage disposal leaking from the bottom, especially from the reset button, it's time to install a new garbage disposal. You can expect a new garbage disposal to last anywhere from eight to 15 years.

How long should a garbage disposal last? ›

Most modern garbage disposals will last anywhere from 8 to 15 years. An average household with four or five family members can expect to replace their disposal roughly every 12 years if properly maintained.

Can I replace a garbage disposal myself? ›

Installing or replacing a garbage disposal as a DIY project is not an overly complicated task. If you follow the manufacturer's install directions and have the required tools and parts, it can usually be done in less than 3 hours.

How do you fix a regurgitating garbage disposal? ›

Use your plunger, put it over the plug, and try to clear the drain. If this does not work, then the clog may be too far down for a sink plunger to work. At that point, try and use a plumber's snake to clear the clog.

How to tighten a garbage disposal mount? ›

Tighten the mounting screws for the upper mounting ring. Alternate the tightening of the screws to pull the ring up evenly against the underside of the sink. The gasket will create a water-tight seal.


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